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To know / The requirements and needs of efficiency houses at a glance

The requirements and needs of efficiency houses at a glance.

Efficiency houses set new standards in terms of energy efficiency and sustainability. But what exactly is an efficiency house and what requirements must be met to achieve this status? In this article we take a comprehensive look at the requirements and demands that come with an efficient house.

What is an efficiency house?

Before we look at the requirements and subsidies for efficiency houses, it is important to understand what an efficiency house actually is. An efficiency house is a building that impresses with its low energy consumption and therefore makes a positive contribution to environmental protection. It is an energy-optimized property that uses modern technologies and building materials to minimize energy requirements.

Definition and meaning of efficiency house

In Germany there are different classifications for efficiency houses, which are set out in the Energy Saving Ordinance (EnEV). The higher the efficiency class, the more energy efficient the house is. Efficiency houses are not only environmentally friendly, but also offer numerous advantages for the residents. Low energy consumption means lower heating costs and a pleasant living environment.

Different types of efficiency houses

Efficiency houses are divided into different classes, for example Efficiency House 70, Efficiency House 55 or Efficiency House 40. These classifications refer to the percentage primary energy requirement compared to a reference building. The lower the value, the more energy efficient the house is. There are also plus-energy houses that generate more energy than they use. These can even contribute to the energy transition by feeding excess energy into the grid.

Efficiency houses are an important part of sustainable construction and play a crucial role in reducing energy consumption and CO2 emissions. They are becoming increasingly popular because they not only protect the environment but also offer financial benefits. Due to the low energy consumption, residents can achieve significant savings on heating costs. In addition, the optimized thermal insulation and efficient building technology ensure a pleasant living environment and greater living comfort.

In order to build an efficient house, various measures are required. These include, for example, good thermal insulation, the use of energy-efficient windows and doors, an efficient heating system and the use of renewable energies such as solar or geothermal energy. In addition, the building envelope also plays an important role. A well-insulated and airtight envelope minimizes heat loss and thus contributes to energy efficiency.

Efficiency houses are classified based on primary energy requirements, which consist of energy consumption for heating, hot water, ventilation and household electricity. An Efficiency House 70, for example, only requires 70 percent of the primary energy compared to a reference building. An efficiency house 40, on the other hand, only requires 40 percent. The lower the value, the more energy efficient the house is.

Energy-plus houses are a special form of efficiency houses. They generate more energy than they consume and can therefore make a positive contribution to the energy transition. By using renewable energies such as photovoltaics or wind power, plus-energy houses can feed excess energy into the grid and thus contribute to the electricity supply. These houses are particularly sustainable and future-proof.

Requirements for an efficient house

In order for a house to be called an “efficiency house”, certain requirements must be met. These requirements concern both the energy aspect as well as construction standards and the quality of living.

Energy requirements

The energy requirements are a central component of an efficient house. Particular emphasis is placed on primary energy requirements. The lower this value is, the more energy efficient the house is considered. Thermal insulation, the use of renewable energies and the avoidance of thermal bridges also play an important role.

In order to reduce primary energy requirements, various measures are required. Effective thermal insulation of the external walls, roof and basement floor is essential. In addition, high-quality windows with good thermal insulation should be installed to minimize heat loss. The use of renewable energies such as solar thermal energy or photovoltaics is also recommended to further reduce energy consumption.

It is also important to avoid thermal bridges. Thermal bridges are areas in the building envelope where heat escapes more quickly than other places. Through careful planning and execution, thermal bridges can be minimized or avoided entirely.

Structural requirements

In order to minimize energy consumption, efficiency houses must meet certain construction standards. These include, among other things, effective thermal insulation of the building envelope, high-quality windows with good thermal insulation and complete airtightness of the building. Careful planning and selected building materials are essential for implementing these requirements.

When it comes to thermal insulation of the building envelope, the right choice of material and professional execution are important. Common insulation materials include mineral wool, polystyrene or wood fiber boards. These materials provide good thermal insulation and contribute to the energy efficiency of the house.

Windows also play an important role in energy efficiency. High-quality windows with good thermal insulation reduce heat loss and thus contribute to energy savings. For example, a triple-glazed window pane offers better thermal insulation than a single-glazed pane.

The airtightness of the building is another important aspect. Complete airtightness prevents uncontrolled air flows, which can lead to energy losses. Careful execution of the building envelope as well as the connections of windows and doors is crucial.

Requirements for quality of living

In addition to energy efficiency, living quality and comfort also play an important role in efficiency houses. This involves good indoor air quality, sufficient exposure and noise protection. A comfortable living environment and a healthy indoor climate are crucial for the well-being of the residents.

To ensure good indoor air quality, a controlled ventilation system is recommended. This ensures a regular exchange of used air and brings fresh air into the building. By using filters, pollutants and allergens can also be removed from the air.

Exposure also plays an important role. Large window areas allow good natural lighting of the rooms and reduce the need for artificial lighting. This not only helps save energy, but also creates a pleasant living atmosphere.

Noise protection is another criterion for the quality of living. Efficiency houses should be designed to provide good protection from outside noise. Good soundproofing of windows and walls as well as a suitable location of the house can help protect residents from annoying noises.

Funding for efficiency houses

The implementation of an efficiency house is associated with costs. Various subsidies are offered to support builders financially and to create incentives for energy-efficient renovation.

Efficiency houses are buildings that have low energy consumption due to their energy-efficient construction and equipment. You therefore contribute to reducing CO2 emissions and conserving resources. To promote the construction or renovation of such houses, there are various state, regional and municipal funding programs as well as support from energy suppliers.

State funding programs

There are various funding programs at the federal level that provide financial support for the construction or renovation of an efficient house. These include, for example, low-interest loans, grants or tax advantages. In order to benefit from these subsidies, certain criteria must be met. It is therefore advisable to plan and apply early.

An example of a state funding program is the KfW program “Energy-efficient construction and renovation”. Here, builders can receive low-interest loans or grants for the construction or renovation of an efficient house. The funding depends on the desired energy standard of the house and can amount to up to a certain percentage of the eligible costs.

Regional and municipal funding

There are also numerous funding programs for efficient houses at regional and municipal level. These include, for example, grants for energy-related renovations or investment grants for the use of renewable energies. It is worth finding out about the current funding opportunities in your own region.

Some cities and municipalities also offer special funding programs for listed efficiency houses. These make it possible to renovate historical buildings in terms of energy efficiency while maintaining the charm and special features of the house. In such cases, the funding often also includes advice from experts in listed buildings.

Subsidies from energy suppliers

In addition, many energy suppliers offer their own funding programs for efficient houses. These range from subsidies for the installation of energy-efficient heating technologies to bonus payments for the use of renewable energies. Through cooperation with regional energy suppliers, builders can benefit from attractive financial support.

Some energy suppliers also offer free energy consultations to help builders plan and implement an efficient house. Individual solutions are developed to optimize energy consumption and increase the energy efficiency of the house.

It is advisable to find out about the various funding options at an early stage and, if necessary, seek advice from experts in order to receive the best possible financial support for the construction or renovation of an efficient house.

Efficiency house certification process

In order to receive the “Efficiency House” certificate, certain steps and checks must be completed. This process is designed to ensure that all requirements have been met and that the building is actually efficient.

Preparation and planning

The process for efficiency house certification begins in the planning phase. All necessary measures and technologies are defined here to meet the requirements. Collaboration with experienced specialists such as architects and energy consultants is of great importance here.

Implementation and control

After planning, the measures are implemented. The energy requirements of the efficiency house are implemented and regular checks are carried out. These serve to ensure that all specifications are met and the house achieves the desired energy standard.

Obtaining the certificate

After the construction work has been completed and all controls have been successfully completed, the efficiency house is finally certified. With the certificate in hand, the builder can be proud of his energy-optimized property.

Efficiency houses offer numerous advantages and are an important building block for a sustainable future. With the right requirements and funding, building or renovating an efficient house also becomes financially attractive. Anyone who chooses an efficient house is not only investing in their own future, but is also making a contribution to environmental protection. Therefore, familiarize yourself with the requirements and subsidies and take advantage of the opportunities to build or renovate an efficient house.

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