Services / Energy consultant

Energy consultant for iSFP and funding

Your guide through the funding jungle: Find out about the BAFA funding programs and secure the maximum grants for your renovation. Bonus: step-by-step instructions including expert tips for your BAFA application!

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Sustainable Home

What services do certified energy consultants offer?

Our energy efficiency experts will show you the way through the jungle of funding and support you in renovating your residential building's energy efficiency using coordinated measures. They are:


Analyze the current energy consumption of your building: You assess the current energy condition of your property. This includes the roof, your windows and doors, the heating system, the basement ceiling, exterior walls, and the facade


Advise you on suitable renovation measures: What options do you have to improve the energy efficiency of your building?


Find out about government funding programs: They will advise you on the offers from BAFA and KfW and help you choose the right funding.


Support you in applying for grants or promotional loans: They explain to you what evidence and documents you need for your application and accompany you through the application process - or take over the application for you.


Create energy certificates: If you want to sell or rent out your property, you need an energy certificate. Certified energy consultants will issue you the certificate.


Determine your energy-saving potential: How much energy can you save in your household through renovation?


Create an individual renovation roadmap (iSFP): Together with you, they will plan the step-by-step renovation of your property.


Support you in the energy-efficient new building: If you don't want to renovate but rather build a new building, our energy consultants will offer you competent construction support throughout the entire construction phase.


Advice before buying an energy-efficient house: Would you like to buy a newly completed efficiency house? Reputable energy consultants assess the property and its energy efficiency before purchase

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How does energy advice for KfW and BAFA work? Your path to promotion


Analyze the current condition of your property

A certified energy consultant from your area will visit you on-site. Using the latest technology, it records all relevant information about your house and your current energy consumption


Identify savings potential and renovation measures

Using the digital 3D model of your property, we calculate which measures you can take to reduce your consumption and energy costs by up to 70 percent.


Create an individual renovation plan

We will create your tailor-made renovation plan, which will secure you an additional 5 percent financial support for your project.


Receive funding

Once the work has been completed, you submit the “Confirmation of completion” (BnD) to your bank. If you have a newly renovated house, you will receive this confirmation from the developer.


Find the best craftsmen for your renovation

Receive repayment grant


Why is energy advice for residential and non-residential buildings worth it?

Not every renovation measure automatically leads to the desired result. If you plan incorrectly, you not only waste time but, in the worst case, also waste money on unsuccessful modernizations. But there is another way: If you perfectly coordinate the heating technology, building envelope, etc., you can drastically reduce your energy costs and avoid unnecessary improvements. At the same time, you make an important contribution to climate protection and increase the value of your property. 

In order to make the most of your savings potential and government funding, professional support is necessary

your advantages

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Certified experts

Our energy efficiency experts are qualified engineers and architects and are always up to date through regular further training.

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Competence for your building type

IKOSIA is your competent partner for all types of buildings. In addition to private homes, our advisory services also include non-residential buildings and listed properties.

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Maximum funding

We are experts for the KfW and BAFA funding programs. With our individual renovation plan you will receive the maximum funding (up to 40 percent per measure).

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No long waiting times

Our energy consultants are available for you at any time. We guarantee that your project will be processed quickly - without long waiting times.

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Germany-wide on-site appointments within 14 days

Arrange a viewing appointment for data collection within 14 days, regardless of where you live.

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This is what our customers say

Eva S.

"From day one, the support has been exemplary. Whenever we had a problem or question, they were just a phone call away. It's refreshing to experience such good support!"

Mahendra R.

"It's rare to find local experts with such extensive knowledge and commitment. Their insights made the difference in our project. Kudos to the team!"

Mark M.

"I've worked with several companies, but this team's quick turnaround really stands out. We were up and running within a few days. Very impressed!"

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Table of contents

Find qualified energy consultants — tips for your search

BAFA-approved energy consultants: Your experts for energy renovation with individual measures and iSFP

Certified KfW energy consultants: Individual advice for your promotional loan

Find qualified energy consultants — tips for your search

  • The job title “energy consultant” is not protected. That's why there are not only reputable advice offers. Make sure whether the consultant is registered on the energy consultant list of the German Energy Agency (dena).
  • When looking for advice, also consider the professional qualifications of each provider. Ideally, the experts should be heating engineers, engineers, building technicians or architects in order to be able to give you professional advice.
  • Ask for recommendations in your personal environment. Maybe you already know someone who recently received energy advice and had good experiences.

Our certified energy consultants will create your iSFP together with you in order to secure the maximum BAFA funding.

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BAFA-approved energy consultants: Your experts for energy renovation with individual measures and iSFP

If you are planning individual renovation measures to save energy and, for example, want to replace your old heating system with an energy-efficient model, BAFA funding is just right for you. The Federal Office of Economics and Export Control subsidizes individual measures as part of the federal funding for efficient buildings (BEG). You can find a list of BAFA energy consultants at dena

Bonus: Federal funding for energy advice for residential buildings 2023

The BAFA not only supports your renovation project, but also energy consulting with 80 percent of the eligible consulting fee:

  • for one- or two-family houses a maximum of 1,300 euros
  • for residential buildings with three or more residential units a maximum of 1,700 euros

But the savings opportunities don't end there. For serial renovations, the Federal Office also supports the creation of your iSFP with up to 80 percent of the eligible costs.

Your BAFA energy advice from IKOSIA:

Our independent BAFA energy efficiency consultants guarantee you the highest possible government funding for your renovation project.

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Certified KfW energy consultants: Individual advice for your promotional loan

KfW supports private individuals and businesses with low-interest loans when renovating or building or purchasing energy-efficient buildings. If you would like to apply for KfW funding, you need a qualified energy consultant. A consultant who specializes in the Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau's funding programs is authorized to prepare reports and applications for your funding. In addition, s plans and monitors

Independent energy consultants for objective solutions

A renovation measure is only effective if it is individually tailored to your building and your needs. Our energy efficiency experts know this and will advise you neutrally and independently. That's why our consultants do not receive any commission from manufacturers or retailers for their detailed energy advice. 

Our certified energy consultants will create your iSFP together with you in order to secure the maximum BAFA funding.

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Do you manage a real estate portfolio or are you a business customer?

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frequently asked Questions

Frequently asked questions about energy advice arrow

If you would like to have your modernization or the purchase of an efficient house funded by the KfW or BAFA, you must hire an energy consultant. She will advise you on the requirements and content of the individual funding programs and support you in submitting your application. Consultation is also required for serial renovation with the iSFP.

How much does energy consulting cost? arrow

The costs for energy consulting depend on the type and scope of your project and start at 390 euros. 

Can I receive funding for energy consulting? arrow

Yes, that is possible. The BAFA grants a subsidy of up to 80 percent of the eligible costs. Up to 1,300 euros can be funded for advice on a one- or two-family home. For residential buildings with more than three residential units, the subsidy is up to 1,700 euros.

What is the Energy Efficiency Expert List (EEE List)? arrow

This is a list of energy consultants for KfW and BAFA that is maintained by the German Energy Agency (dena). Anyone registered here as a consultant has proven their professional qualifications and can apply for government funding for energy-efficient construction and renovation.

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Sustainable change, one property at a time

Improving energy efficiency for greater sustainability: All-in-one platform for comprehensive renovation measures.

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