IKOSIA: energy efficient, sustainable & simple Underline

At IKOSIA we believe in the transformative power of sustainable and individual solutions for real estate and residential buildings - and in the fact that environmental protection and energy saving measures should not fail because of bureaucratic hurdles.

IKOSIA: energy efficient, sustainable & simple

Our history

For us, climate-friendly living and living begins before the renovation: By carefully preparing your renovation project - from individual energy saving measures to holistic renovation concepts - you can secure maximum government funding. This not only reduces the burden on the environment, but also on your wallet. 

To do this, we combine cutting-edge technology with environmentally friendly practices. Using your building data, we determine your realistic savings potential and identify suitable renovation measures.


What sets us apart & how you benefit from it

At the heart of our green renovation initiatives is our dedicated and passionate team, a diverse mix of people driven by a shared mission: to make real estate more sustainable to contribute to climate protection.

Each member of our family brings their own perspectives, skills and enthusiasm for our mission and your renovation project. The result: Every project becomes a masterpiece of sustainability. Maybe soon yours too?

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What we stand for & what that means for you



We create environmentally friendly living spaces by individually modernizing existing structures and reducing the ecological footprint of your property.



We believe in collaboration and open communication to achieve sustainable goals. That's why we bring owners, tenants, building contractors and authorities together at the same table.



We rely on the latest green technologies and findings to retrofit older buildings. In this way, we maximize savings potential and open up a variety of paths to sustainable living. 



When it comes to changing people's living space and reconciling different needs, trust is essential. That's why we are committed to communicating with you transparently, acting ethically and keeping our promises.



We always take all perspectives and needs into account. Only then can it be possible to create inclusive and sustainable living spaces. That's why our work focuses on community, where everyone feels valued and heard - including you.

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Team & Advisors

Vinzent Zerner


Patricia Axen

Kundenbetreuung und Geschäftsentwicklung

Nitesh Khirwal


Hannes Eitel

Experte für Smart Home und digitale Geschäftsmodelle

Dr. Chirag Deb

Lead digitale Gebäude- und Energieanalyse

Maxim Möller

Dachdeckermeister und Bauexperte

Luz Duyos


Mark Möller


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Sustainable change, one property at a time

Improving energy efficiency for greater sustainability: All-in-one platform for comprehensive renovation measures.

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