Services / Individual renovation roadmap (iSFP)

Your individual renovation roadmap (iSFP) & funding options

Stay in control of time and costs. Our independent energy consultants will create the iSFP for your energy renovation and secure you an additional 5 percent bonus funding.


390 €

1690 €


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100% not binding

Sustainable Home
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What is an individual renovation roadmap?

An individual renovation roadmap, iSFP for short, is your tailor-made strategy package for the gradual renovation of your residential building. With the help of this plan, you can optimize your renovation and modernization steps not only energetically, but also financially.

In order to create your timetable, our experienced energy consultants record the current condition of your property such as your current energy consumption and savings potential. They will then advise you on suitable remediation measures and the best order of implementation.

This planning is not only practical but also financially worthwhile. Because as part of the federal funding for energy advice for residential buildings (BEG), the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control, or BAFA for short, supports your iSFP - and

your advantages

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Financial support:

The additional bonus of 5 percent of the eligible costs significantly reduces the total costs of your renovation measures.

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Planning security:

With your iSFP you will receive a detailed plan for your renovation. This enables targeted and well-thought-out implementation.

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Environmental Protection:

Your energy renovation will reduce your energy consumption and CO2 emissions. In this way, you make an important contribution to climate protection.

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Energy efficiency:

By reducing your energy consumption, you save costs in the long term.

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Preservation of value:

Arrange a viewing appointment for data collection within 14 days, regardless of where you live.

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Step-by-step instructions: Your path to your own iSFP

Our certified energy consultants will create your renovation plan in the shortest possible time. And this is how it works


You send us a request. One of our energy consultants will visit you on-site (Germany) within 14 days to record the current condition of your home.


We then use our technology to record your building as a 3D model and calculate the most economically sensible renovation measures.


Next, we will advise you on the individual renovation steps, create your tailor-made plan, and accompany you to your iSFP funding.


We will secure you the subsidy for your BAFA restructuring plan as well as the additional iSFP bonus of 5 percent on your eligible measures.

We are convinced of our offer. But don't just rely on our word

This is what our customers say

Eva S.

"From day one, the support has been exemplary. Whenever we had a problem or question, they were just a phone call away. It's refreshing to experience such good support!"

Mahendra R.

"It's rare to find local experts with such extensive knowledge and commitment. Their insights made the difference in our project. Kudos to the team!"

Mark M.

"I've worked with several companies, but this team's quick turnaround really stands out. We were up and running within a few days. Very impressed!"

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Table of contents

iSFP checklise: This is included

State funding for your energy renovation

Funding for your renovation plan

How to apply for iSFP funding

Financial planning and cost control

Renovate flexibly: Renovate your residential building in several phases

Transparent information and personal advice

iSFP checklise: This is included

Federal funding for efficient buildings promotes measures to increase energy efficiency and the use of renewable energies. There are currently three financing programs available to you as part of the BEG:

  • icon Cost estimates for the measures to be supported
  • icon the specific funding amount
  • icon proof of collaboration with an energy consultant
  • icon the Technical Project Description (TPB) with an explanation of the proposed measure
  • icon the technical project description ID

State funding for your energy renovation

You are planning an energy-efficient renovation of your residential building – a good decision! In this way, you not only contribute to protecting our environment but also reduce your energy consumption. And with it your costs. A special incentive: You have to do this

Don't handle the project alone. There are two funding programs as part of the federal funding for efficient buildings (BEG):

  • BAFA funding for individual measures
  • KfW funding for the renovation into an efficient house
In addition to these funding programs, you also have the opportunity to save taxes with your energy renovation. Our experienced energy consultants will accompany you in selecting the appropriate funding and in submitting the application - or they can take care of the application entirely for you.
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Funding for your renovation plan

BAFA and KfW support your renovation measures. For example, if you want to re-insulate your house or install energy-efficient heating, you will receive grants or loans for this.

With the iSFP bonus, in addition to these grants, you secure additional BAFA funding of 5 percent on all eligible measures. These include, for example, expenses for materials, working hours and planning services. However, heating measures are excluded from this bonus. All you have to do is have your renovation plan drawn up by a certified energy consultant.

The best thing about it: you can secure funding for this too. Because the BAFA subsidizes the advice and creation of your renovation plan with up to 80 percent of the consulting fee. You will receive a maximum of 1,300 euros for one- and two-family houses, and up to 1,700 euros for larger residential buildings. You just pay the difference – with us from 390 euros.

Requirements for the iSFP bonus

To receive the iSFP bonus you must meet the following criteria:

  • You are the owner of a single-, two- and multi-family home.
  • Your residential building is at least 10 years old.
  • You receive qualified energy advice for your iSFP.
  • Your energy consultant is recognized by BAFA and registered on the energy efficiency expert list.
  • You implement the iSFP within 15 years of the energy consultation.

How to apply for iSFP funding

In order to receive the iSFP bonus, you must submit an application to BAFA after the renovation measures have been completed. You must submit the following documents:

  • your renovation schedule
  • all invoices for the measures carried out
  • your building energy certificate

You can find more detailed information about your application for BAFA funding on our separate overview page. You can submit your application yourself or leave the paperwork to us.


Danger: Some craftsmen create so-called renovation plans for their construction work. Such a plan should not be confused with the individual restructuring roadmap and is not sufficient to receive funding. Only iSFPs created by an independent energy consultant are eligible.

Financial planning and cost control

The purpose of your roadmap is to find the best solutions for your renovation project, not only in terms of energy but also financially. With your iSFP, you can keep an eye on the costs of your renovation at all times and plan long-term financially.

Full cost transparency

The iSFP gives you a detailed overview of the planned renovation measures and their costs.

Comprehensible prioritization

By implementing the most urgent or cost-effective measures first, your financial burden becomes more manageable.

Long-term planning

The clear schedule allows you to align your finances with the long-term renovation. This way you can mobilize funds in a timely manner and avoid unexpected financial burdens.

Cost savings

With the iSFP you receive additional BAFA funding for your renovation. This reduces your overall costs.

Comprehensible prioritization

By implementing the most urgent or cost-effective measures first, your financial burden becomes more manageable.

Risk management

The systematic approach of the iSFP allows you to identify potential risks and unforeseen costs early on.

Renovate flexibly: Renovate your residential building in several phases

The iSFP offers you a clear roadmap to prioritize your renovation measures based on urgency, budget and efficiency. This means you won't be turning your entire house upside down at once. Instead, the iSFP guides you step by step towards your renovation goal, one measure at a time.

And that has a decisive advantage: by gradually renovating your residential building, you can always keep an eye on your finances. For example, if the budget is a little tight at times, you won't be faced with a mammoth project that you have to implement. With your iSFP you remain flexible and at the same time avoid taking over yourself financially.

Ikosia - The trustworthy service provider for your renovation project

Tips for Finding an Energy Efficiency Expert:

  1. The job title “energy consultant” is not legally protected. This can sometimes lead to large fluctuations in the quality of the services. Therefore, make sure whether your consultant is registered on the German Energy Agency's list of energy consultants.
  2. Pay attention to the professional qualifications of the energy consultant. Professional experts are often heating engineers, engineers, building technicians or architects and can give you professional advice.
  3. Ask for personal recommendations from acquaintances, friends or family. Maybe someone close to you can recommend a reliable energy consultant.

Notice Our IKOSIA energy consultants work independently and are registered on the energy efficiency expert list for federal funding programs. Arrange a free initial consultation and save yourself the time-consuming search.

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Transparent information and personal advice

Do you want to have your house renovated but don't know where to start? No problem! In a personal initial consultation, we will clarify all your questions and advise you on possible next steps - of course free of charge and without obligation.

We are here to help you with the following topics, among others:

  • Individual energy advice
  • BAFA funding
  • KfW funding
  • Individual renovation schedule

Your iSFP is ready, what happens now?

Now the renovation can begin! Depending on the order of the planned measures, you can now commission your craftsmen. Our energy consultants will be happy to help you find professional companies in your area!


Important Do you want to take advantage of state BAFA funding or a KfW loan? Then you have to submit your application before you commission tradesman services. If you order the services first, your renovation can no longer be funded!

But that's not all: your energy consultant will also accompany you during the implementation of your measures and ensure the quality of the work. Once the renovation is complete, he will check the results thoroughly so that you can achieve your energy saving goals for many years to come.

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Frequently asked questions about iSFP and funding

What is the individual recovery roadmap (iSFP)? arrow

The iSFP is a non-binding advisory tool. It may only be created by certified energy efficiency experts. The renovation roadmap is your guide for the energy-efficient modernization of your home. If you have an iSFP created, you can secure additional BAFA funding of 5 percent for your renovation measures.

Why is an iSFP important? arrow

The iSFP presents easy-to-understand information about your building renovation. It not only illustrates the timing of your renovation. It also visualizes the energy saving potential of the individual measures. As an owner, you can follow this timetable both in terms of time and finances and optimize your energy-saving renovation.

How much does the iSFP cost? arrow

Our IKOSIA energy consultants will create your renovation plan for just 390 euros.

What documents do I need for my iSFP? arrow

In the first step we collect the current data of your house. You can simply enter this online via our platform. Among other things, we need information about your living space, the year your property was built and your current heating system. 

Additional information arrow

You can find further information on the topic of renovation plans and energy advice using the links below.

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Sustainable change, one property at a time

Improving energy efficiency for greater sustainability: All-in-one platform for comprehensive renovation measures.

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