Energy consulting for medium-sized companies

Energy advice for SMEs, pre-financing and BAFA-funded energy audit according to DIN EN 16247: Reduce your operational energy costs with tailor-made efficiency measures. We secure the appropriate government funding for you.

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This is what our customers say

Anja Stark, Managing Director

"Thanks to IKOSIA's comprehensive energy audit, we have gained valuable insights into our energy consumption patterns. Their expert analysis not only uncovered significant areas for improvement but also guided us through the process of applying for funding from BAFA. With their support, we have streamlined our operations, reduced costs, and strengthened our commitment to sustainable practices. Highly recommended for any logistics company looking to increase efficiency and minimize environmental impact."

Birol Boztuna, Geschäftsführer

"IKOSIA delivered an exceptional energy audit that exceeded our expectations. Their team meticulously examined our energy consumption and developed customized solutions to increase efficiency and minimize costs. Their support in navigating the complexities of BAFA funding was particularly valuable. Thanks to their expertise, we have implemented practical measures that have reduced our energy costs and contributed to our environmental responsibility. Trustworthy, professional, and results-oriented - IKOSIA is a game-changer for any garage looking to optimize its energy efficiency."

Our services for business customers

isfp planning

Energy advice

Our dena-certified energy consultants analyze your energy consumption, identify economically sensible renovation and energy saving measures and advise you on legal regulations.

More about energy advice
isfp planning

Energy audit

We carry out the BAFA-funded energy audit in accordance with DIN EN 16247 and determine savings potential for your commercial systems, buildings, processes and production.

More about energy advice

IKOSIA — Your partner for economical and sustainable energy efficiency

  • carbon_checkmark-filled

    Reduce energy costs?

  • carbon_checkmark-filled

    Increase competitiveness?

  • carbon_checkmark-filled

    Meet legal requirements?

  • carbon_checkmark-filled

    Receive government funding?


The IKOSIA services in detail

Medium-sized companies are facing enormous challenges today: energy costs are rising in parallel with the stricter requirements for commercial energy efficiency. At the same time, information on government funding is opaque and subject to frequent changes. Our IKOSIA energy consultants are your guide through this jungle of regulations and funding programs.

Energy consulting for companies: Unlock your energy saving potential

At IKOSIA we see ourselves as a partner for the energy-efficient transformation of companies. Together we will find the best way to sustainably reduce your costs and CO2 emissions and secure access to funding for operational energy saving measures.

BAFA-funded energy consulting — overview of services:

If you want to buy an energy-efficient new building, renovate an existing property into an efficiency house (EH) or switch to renewable energies such as photovoltaics, a KfW loan is an attractive financing option. The lender currently offers two types of funding for your project:


Energy requirement analysis: Our qualified energy consultants analyze your company’s energy consumption. We then create an energy requirement plan


Testing for economic viability: We check all proposed measures for their economic viability and take into account the payback period for your investments.


Advice on legal regulations: We accompany you in the implementation of your energy saving measures, monitor the progress of renovation and ensure the quality of the finished results.


Craftsman service: We work with qualified specialist companies from all over Germany. We would be happy to advise you on the selection of your service providers and find you the best tradesmen at your location.


Planning energy saving measures: We develop tailor-made energy saving and renovation measures, for example for your buildings, processes, heating systems and machines.


Applying for funding: We identify the right government funding programs for your project. You give us the authority to apply for your funding, we do the rest.


Support during implementation: We accompany you in the implementation of your energy saving measures, monitor the progress of the renovation and ensure the quality of the finished results.

The BAFA supports your energy consulting with 80 percent of the eligible net consulting costs. If your operational energy costs exceed 10,000 euros per year, the maximum funding amount is 6,000 euros. If your energy costs are lower, you will receive funding of up to 1,200 euros.

The energy audit according to DIN EN 16247: Your roadmap to economical energy efficiency

  • create detailed energy consumption profiles,
  • analyze current flows (load profile analysis), 
  • take into account cooling systems, heating/air conditioning technology, lighting and other relevant energy flows,
  • develop an individual energy saving concept with concrete measures,
  • identify tax-privileged uses in accordance with § 9a, § 9b, § 9c StromStG in order to secure possible refunds for you.

The energy audit for SMEs aims to optimize your company's energy consumption, protect the environment and at the same time reduce your operating costs. As part of the energy audit, we not only evaluate your buildings and systems, but also user behavior. Our IKOSIA energy consultants 

Reduce your investment costs with a BAFA grant

The energy audit for SMEs aims to optimize your company's energy consumption, protect the environment and at the same time reduce your operating costs. As part of the energy audit, we not only evaluate your buildings and systems, but also user behavior. Our IKOSIA energy consultants 

Secure a BAFA grant

5 steps to an energy audit


Inventory & planning

We clarify your commercial requirements and then determine the goals and time frame for the energy audit. We also advise you on all the necessary documents and the individual steps of the audit.


Apply for funding

Our experts will advise you on government funding for your project and submit the necessary applications for you, including for BAFA-funded energy advice.


Attention: You must apply for funding for energy consulting before we conclude the contract for the energy audit. As soon as BAFA has approved your grant, we can start together.


On-site inventory

An IKOSIA energy consultant visits you in your company. We analyze the energy efficiency of your buildings, machines and processes, create an environmental balance and determine your current energy consumption on the consumption and supply side


Create reports

Following our on-site appointment, we evaluate all the data and identify energy saving potential. We prepare a report with suggestions for energy saving measures including a cost-benefit analysis.


Final discussion and next steps

Together we will discuss the identified measures and answer any remaining questions. We will then determine the timetable for implementing your energy renovation - now you can get started!

Order an energy audit

your advantages

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Certified experts

Our energy efficiency experts are qualified engineers and architects and are always up to date through regular further training.

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Competence for your building type

IKOSIA is your competent partner for all types of buildings. In addition to private homes, our advisory services also include non-residential buildings and listed properties.

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Maximum funding

We are experts for the KfW and BAFA funding programs. With our individual renovation plan you will receive the maximum funding (up to 40 percent per measure).

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No long waiting times

Our energy consultants are available for you at any time. We guarantee that your project will be processed quickly - without long waiting times.

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Germany-wide on-site appointments within 14 days

Arrange a viewing appointment for data collection within 14 days, regardless of where you live.

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frequently asked Questions

When is an energy audit DIN EN 16247 mandatory? arrow

A regular energy audit has been mandatory for all non-SMEs since 2015 in accordance with Sections 8 - 8d EDL-G (Law on Energy Services and Other Energy Efficiency Measures). As part of the audit, the energy efficiency of the entire operation (buildings, systems, processes, etc.) is checked. If you are a small or medium-sized enterprise (SME), you are exempt from this obligation. 

How often does an energy audit have to be carried out? arrow

The law requires non-SMEs to have a regular energy audit every four years. This obligation does not apply to SMEs. Nevertheless, even as a small or medium-sized company, it is worthwhile to regularly check your energy consumption and exploit all potential savings.

Who can carry out the energy audit? arrow

The BAFA-funded energy audit may only be carried out by energy consultants who are registered on dena's list of energy efficiency experts in the category “Energy advice for non-residential buildings”.

Is energy advice for SMEs subsidized? arrow

The Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA) supports energy advice for SMEs with financial subsidies. The funding does not have to be repaid. How much funding you receive for your energy consulting depends, among other things, on the size of your company and the planned energy saving measures. Our IKOSIA experts will be happy to advise you.

Further information on energy consulting for companies arrow

On the following pages you will find further information about funded energy advice for SMEs and the energy audit.

Federal funding for energy advice for non-residential buildings, facilities and systems

Energy audit DIN EN 16247 (BAFA)

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Sustainable changes, one property at a time

Improving energy efficiency for greater sustainability: All-in-one platform for comprehensive renovation measures.

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